Sticky Notes

Everyone who has installed before 11/30/2014 needs to get the new setup file at

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Group and Necklace Tool in the works

I'm starting the tools this week. I have my group tool almost working. In that same tool panel I put the necklace tool. Because a necklace is really just a group of beads. I'm making handles on the tool which change the shape of the necklace to more or less rounded around the bottom. It also adjusts the size. The idea is to drop the bottom bead first. Usually it is a pendant or something. Then drop beads on the right or left and have them fall down to the next position up from the bottom focal bead. So far it is working fairly well. I just have to be able to adjust the beads a bit. There seems to be a small gap there. Then I need to be able to remove beads from the necklace. That should be in by next week. Here is a pic of what I have so far.

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